Where network engineers


Your network is more than just infrastructure—it’s your playground for discovery, experimentation, and growth. With NetAlly testing tools in your hands, every connection, packet, and metric becomes a learning opportunity you can measure, analyze, and optimize in real-time. Tinker, test, and troubleshoot confidently, knowing each challenge builds your expertise and strengthens your network’s performance. Embrace hands-on exploration, because the insights you gain today – powered by NetAlly – will create the networks of tomorrow.

Play around, learn, grow….have fun!

Network Analysis Tools & Network Cable Testers

LinkRunner® AT 3000 Network & Cable Tester Connectivity Tester

Quickly verify and troubleshoot network links. Ideal for fast, automated testing.

LinkRunner® AT 4000 Smart Network Tester

Comprehensive diagnostics and troubleshooting features, enhancing network visibility and operational efficiency.

LinkRunner® AT 3000 - Network & Cable Tester Connectivity Tester Quickly verify and troubleshoot network links. Ideal for fast, automated testing.
LinkRunner® 10G Advanced Multigigabit/10G Cable & Network Tester

Validates and configures copper and fiber Multi-Gig and 10 Gig networks, ensuring high-speed connectivity. 

EtherScope® nXG Ethernet Network Tester & WiFi Diagnostics Tool

Offers comprehensive diagnostics for Multi-Gig and 10 Gig Ethernet and WiFi networks, including WiFi 6/6E. 

LinkSprinter® Pocket Network Tester

Delivers essential network connectivity tests in seconds, perfect for quick diagnostics and validation of link configuration.

Test Accessory Pocket iPerf Testing Tool

Validates network performance, ensuring efficient throughput and connectivity. 

Wired Testers

aircheck g3 airmapper 150dpi rgb
AirCheck® G3 Pro WiFi 6 Wireless Tester

Simplifies WiFi 6/6E and Bluetooth/BLE network testing and troubleshooting.

CyberScope® Edge Network Vulnerability Scanner

Discover, validate, and assess cybersecurity at the network edge, wired and wireless.

NetAlly CyberScope Air
CyberScope® Air WiFi Vulnerability Scanner & Tester

Handheld vulnerability scanner for WLAN cybersecurity AND wireless testing, troubleshooting and surveying.

EtherScope® nXG Ethernet Network Tester & WiFi Diagnostics Tool

Offers comprehensive diagnostics for Multi-Gig and 10 Gig Ethernet and WiFi networks, including WiFi 6/6E. 

AirMapper Site Survey app
AirMapper® Site Survey Wireless Network Mapping App

Creates performance heat maps for Wi-Fi 6/6E neworks, enhancing WLAN validation.

Test Accessory Pocket iPerf Testing Tool

Validates network performance, ensuring efficient throughput and connectivity. 


With over 30 years of experience and having pioneered the first handheld network analyzer, NetAlly is a trusted provider of innovative network testing tools. Our wired testing products simplify complex diagnostics, enable network visibility, and facilitate team collaboration. This empowers network engineers to efficiently analyze and troubleshoot networks. We deliver reliable solutions backed by a deep understanding of the challenges in managing wired networks.

NetAlly’s wired network cable testers work by sending signals through cables and analyzing the returning signals using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology. Unlike inexpensive continuity testers and less capable network testing tools which cannot detect issues like split pairs, this method allows for the precise identification and location (distance to fault) of issues within the cable, facilitating efficient installation validation and troubleshooting

NetAlly’s network testers offer three options for testing network cables:

  1. Patch cords: Connect one end to the Ethernet port on top of the unit and the other to the port on the left side of the unit, then start the test. This should be done on every new cord to verify quality before use.
  2. Horizontal cabling: Connect one end to the cable test port and start the test. If not connected to a switch the tester will show cable length, and distance to faults.
  3. Thorough analysis of horizontal cabling: Use the wiremap adapter at the far end to identify miswiring, faults, and specific cable runs. Multiple adapters allow testing sequential runs without moving the adapter.

Test results can be uploaded to Link-Live for documentation and reporting.

AutoTest, the core function of NetAlly’s network testing tools, quickly runs comprehensive tests on active Ethernet links. It validates:

  • Ethernet link speed, duplex, and PoE (up to 90W/Class 8)
  • Connected and monitored VLANs
  • Nearest switch information (port, VLAN ID, IP, MAC, description, model)
  • DHCP operation and connection details
  • DNS server response time
  • Gateway availability (IPv4 and IPv6)
  • User-defined test targets (websites, servers, devices) using various protocols

Results show success/failure, performance metrics, and can be saved to Link-Live for documentation and troubleshooting.

Our Ethernet testing tools simplify and accelerate network maintenance with thorough fault detection, advanced diagnostics, and automated reporting via Link-Live, our collaboration and analysis platform. These features are crucial for quickly resolving issues and ensuring proper network operation.

Depending on the Ethernet tester, the following apps are available for comprehensive testing:

  • AutoTest
  • Ping/TCP Test
  • Packet Capture
  • Discovery
  • Wi-Fi Analysis
  • Path Analysis
  • AirMapper Site Survey
  • Performance Test
  • iPerf Test
  • LANBERT Media Qualification Test
  • Spectrum Analysis
  • Cable Test

Note: AutoTest functions and app availability may vary by tester model.