Link-Live v7.0 Updates

NetAlly’s Link-Live has just been updated with some great new features designed to improve analysis and workflows. Plus, it adds support for NetAlly’s new CyberScope Handheld Cyber Security Analyzer.

CyberScope Support
This release will allow you to claim your CyberScope in Link-Live. Plus, allows you to:

  • Upload Nmap scripts to Link-Live and push them to CyberScope units in the field
  • Upload Nmap test results to Link-Live for further analysis
  • Generate reports that include Nmap test results
  • Analyze Nmap test results attached to Topology maps, Discovery files, or AutoTests
  • Upload CyberScope configuration profiles and push them to units in the field

Improved Analysis and Workflows
It will now be easier than before to both analyze test results and manipulate uploaded data. Plus, we have made multiple improvements to analysis workflows.

  • With the new Table Analysis and charting tool, you can customize test result tables to speed and simplify analysis.
  • You are now able to upload “Authorization Control Lists” (ACL) to Link-Live and push them to units in the field, making it easier to identify known and unknown devices.
  • More visibility for everyone! Bluetooth and BLE devices discovered while using the WiFi app are now visible under the Analysis tool in Link-Live.
  • AirMapper™ in Link-Live now allows you to generate “Client Survey” visualizations enabling you to easily locate unauthorized client devices or document their coverage.
  • The user interface has been improved to make it easier to navigate through the growing number of analysis options available.

Visit to see the latest enhancement.

More visibility for everyone! Bluetooth and BLE devices discovered while using the WiFi app are now visible under the Analysis tool in Link-Live.