At some point, you may find it handy to use a third-party accessory when in the field with your AirCheck G2. For example, if you want to control your AirCheck remotely, a TP-Link WR702N micro-router is necessary. Powering this router with enough milliamps (mA) constantly is crucial. This particular micro-router draws 190 mA on startup and constantly pulls 140 mA during operation.
The AirCheck G2 comes equipped with two Type A USB ports. Port 1 is the lower USB port and is capable of supplying 500 mA. Port 3 is the upper Type A USB port and provides only 200 mA. Using an accessory that requires nearly 200 mA when starting up; the 190 mA drawn pulls the voltage below the acceptable level for the router. As a result, the router restarts. It will continue to bounce up and down when plugged into this port.
Before purchasing and using accessories in conjunction with your AirCheck G2, be sure they operate within the power range supplied in Ports 1 or 3. It is handy to have a USB voltage and current meter on hand when attaching accessories to the NetAlly products.